Gigastreams Consulting
A people development and training organization devoted to helping professionals and organizations develop through our highly specialized Project Management and Human Resource trainings. Ourarray of seasoned and certified trainers and resource persons offer a unique bouquet of valuable services to each of our clients. As avalue-adding organization, we provide resources to our clients that enhance each participant’s individual effectiveness and their organization’s productivity.
Gigastreams Consulting has emerged a strong player in the Human Resources Training and Development industry in Nigeria. We leverage on IT (Information Technology) and value-creating services in Human Resources Development and Training with a view to providing advanced client-specific solutions. Using our extensive nationwide service network and platforms, we afford ourselves the opportunity to “make it happen” for our clients in a safe and professional manner.
Our Mission
To play a leadership role in the development and training of individuals, organizations, governments, government institutions and communities through our highly specialized and personalized consultancy and training services. We also undertake research and development and systematic learning for the benefit of human capital development in and out of Nigeria.
Key Consultants

Mr. Anthony Brian
Senior Consultant
Mrs. Isabella Evelyn
Senior Consultant
Mrs. Amelia Harper
Construction Consultant